Par 3 Bag Setups

Blacksmith 2025

Goes splat on the green

Blacksmith as a Driver

Particle effects for the win!


Blacksmith with Spin

Cloudcatcher as a Driver

Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Cloudcatcher 2.0

New and improved!


A new ace maker!


Solid par 3 option

Elaw's Blacksmith

Versatile and accurate


Reaches nearly everything!

High Flight 2.0

New and improved!

Into the Breach Driver

No Meteor required!

Kinship 2.0

Powered by Steadfast

Lodestar as a Driver

Distance with a downside

Lodestar as a Driver

No Meteor required!

Lodestar Spinner

No Meteor required!

Magnesis as a Driver

Sort of outdated versions


Green gripping power!

Reaper One Shot

Double homicide plus Magnesis

Sun Mag

Sunstorm boosted!

Trailblazer as a Driver

Moonwalk it in for an ace