Blacksmith 2025
Goes splat on the green
Outset (no Meteor)
This is a really nice setup for par 4/5 holes when you are still waiting to win the Meteor lottery. It provides plenty of drive distance with lots of spin control and some sneaky boosts to strengthen your short game. It would also work very nicely on par 3’s that aren’t surrounded by water, as well.
Here’s the breakdown: Jumpstart gives a minimum of +2 power to Outset (more at higher levels), Commonlaw gives the whole bag a minimum of +2 accuracy, Homestead and Commonlaw give each other a +2 power for brand loyalty and driving with Outset gives Stormbringer a minimum of +5 to all stats.
Thanks to Reasonable Man for this setup!
Goes splat on the green
Skyfury’s bigger brother
Updated iconic setup