Blacksmith 2025
Goes splat on the green
This setup is featured in our Newbie Progression Guide, along with several other bags for players level 3 through 5. Be sure to check out the guide for a lot of really good information for new players. Also, our Tips for Newer Players page offers a lot of other useful information.
In the early game, which bags are for par 3’s, 4’s and 5’s all kind of blurs together, since your longest-hitting club should comfortably reach par 3’s, but come up way short for many par 4’s and all par 5’s. That said, this is a good all around setup for any hole at low levels.
The strength of this bag comes from Navigator‘s ability to chain into woods and hybrids. That means if you drive with Navigator, you’d be getting a really big stat boost to High Flight and/or Neon Impulse on your second shot. You could swap out Jumpstart in place of High Flight in the #2 slot for a power boost on your Navigator drive. Kinship and Homestead are giving each other the Willoughsby brand power bonus, plus when you hit with Kinship, Homestead will pick up a really nice additional chain bonus to power and accuracy.
To see the special abilities of your clubs and how they can work together in a bag, simply go into your club inventory and click on a club to flip it over to see all the details. If you click on the text of one of those special abilities, another info bubble will pop up to provide even more information.
Goes splat on the green
Skyfury’s bigger brother
Updated iconic setup
Revisiting the emerald evil
Reaches nearly everything!