
This is the Swiss Army knife of bag setups. It’ll reach everything from par 3’s to several of the Mythical holes. It can very comfortably reach the longest regular par 5’s in the game without even being at full throttle. There’s all kinds of voodoo going on with this setup, so let’s do a basic breakdown.
The doubled Steadfast is jacking up the base stats on both Fusion and Homecoming. Fusion next to Meteor is getting a doubled power bonus from Homecoming. It’s also picking up its control bonus ability from Meteor to its left. With all that happening, Fusion is super-powered, super accurate and has super spin. Be careful with that spin… a little will go a long way here.
Conspiracy is kind of off on its own, providing the minimum amount of wind resistance. The loft on this setup is absolutely insane. The ball will literally go above the clouds on very long holes. That said, the ball will get pushed quite a lot. Even with a light tailwind behind you on a long hole, prepare to have the ball carry another 10-15 yards. Take lots of practice with longer holes to get a feel for how much space to allow for the wind. Turbino and Crow balls can only help.
I wish I knew who to credit for this bag, but it came through a friend of a friend of a friend. Hats off to you, though, anonymous genius for putting this one together.
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