High Flight (Early Game)

This setup is featured in our Newbie Progression Guide, along with several other bags for players level 3 through 5. Be sure to check out the guide for a lot of really good information for new players. Also, our Tips for Newer Players page offers a lot of other useful information.

High Flight is a really nice hybrid option for par 3’s even in the later game. This bag is geared towards using the limited number of clubs we have in our inventory at the earlier stages of the game. There’s many ways to tweak this setup for later levels as other clubs are unlocked in your inventory.

Jumpstart is providing High Flight with a nice power boost and Commonlaw is boosting Hight Flight‘s accuracy. High Flight is providing its own wind reduction boost. And Commonlaw and Homestead are boosting one another because they are both Willoughsby brand clubs. The benefit there is to give you more power and accuracy on your putt with Homestead

Sandblast isn’t really doing anything to help the overall bag, but it would be beneficial here if you were to put the ball into the sand because of its big bunker bonus. Alternatives could be to put Maelstrom in the #1 slot for bounce reduction or Steadfast for a boost to all of the stats on Common and Rare clubs. In this case, that would be Homestead, High Flight and Jumpstart.

To see the special abilities of your clubs and how they can work together in a bag, simply go into your club inventory and click on a club to flip it over to see all the details. If you click on the text of one of those special abilities, another info bubble will pop up to provide even more information.