Skyfury 2025

How do you improve on an iconic bag setup? You hit it with as much bounce and wind reduction as possible. Since the addition of Gearshift in September of 2024, every bag has the potential to be substantially less bouncy. We’re also super-charging the bounce reduction with a doubled/Meteored Cyclotron to the right of Skyfury. The final piece of this puzzle has a doubled Divebomb providing a huge amount of focused wind reduction just for Skyfury.
While we’d categorize this bag as a par 4/5 setup, it will also work pretty well on most par 3’s. And when all of the clubs in this bag are maxed out, it can be pretty serviceable for many or most of the Tropical holes, but you might need a premium ball to give you the last little bit of oomph to get comfortably onto the greens with deeper pin locations.
Thanks to KyleTee for putting this bag together for one of our in-house tournaments. Everyone liked it so much that most of us made it a permanent fixture in our bag inventory.
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