Kinship 2.0

Note: This is an updated version of our original Kinship setup, which used pretty standard boosts at the time. This one adds Steadfast and Rook into the mix.

We’re featuring two versions of this bag, though there are manys of ways you could tweak it for spin, wind or bounce reduction. For this setup, we’re focusing on bounce reduction by putting a Meteored Cyclotron next to Kinship. Steadfast is giving Kinship a very nice double-boost. Once for being an adjacent Willoughsby club and the second time because Steadfast gives a hefty boost to Rare and Common clubs. Lastly, Rook in the #5 slot is getting the same Steadfast boost (as a Common club) and it’s also providing moderate doubled-up wind reduction for the whole bag.

Cyclotron won’t stop all the bounce on your shot with this setup, but it’ll deaden it quite a lot. Plus, it’s also providing a pretty massive spin bonus for Kinship if you want it. I’d recommend going with soft spin if you’re going to use any at all. It’s more than enough.

The second version here doubles up Steadfast‘s boosts for Kinship and Homestead (as Common and Rare clubs) to give you significantly more driving power and accuracy. Those three adjacent Willoughsby clubs are also giving each other brand loyalty bonuses, with Kinship getting the biggest boost since it’s in the middle. We’ve got a doubled-up Conspiracy in the #5 slot, providing much more wind reduction than the first version above, but the trade-off here is that we have no bounce reduction in this setup. But that’s nothing that an Earth ball or Hardcore ball can’t remedy. Or go old school and get plenty of practice to dial in how much room you’ll need for the bounce.

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