
This is literally the idential setup as our Skyfury 2025 bag. I just kind of stumbled on it after thinking that Flashpoint probably needed a little further investigation. As it turns out, this arrangement works really well. To summarize things, Flashpoint works almost the exact same – and in the exact same situations – as Skyfury. The only difference is that Flashpoint has a bit more power and accuracy, which makes it ideal for many of the longer holes in the game, including the ones on the Mythical and Tropical courses.

Here’s the quick rundown of what’s happening. A double-Meteored Maelstrom plus Gearshift in the number 1 slot are providing a huge amount of bounce reduction. Flashpoint’s boundary and water bonuses are getting doubled from Meteor and it’s also getting up to 60% of the power of the clubs to its left and right. Lastly, Conspiracy is providing a decent amount of wind resistance.

For as good as the Skyfury 2025 bag is… and it is good… this Flashpoint setup just may actually be better.

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